Make your own unique blends using doop fragrance oils!


In recent years, people have been paying more attention to the use of certain chemicals called phthalates in fragrance oils and cosmetics. Some phthalates can be harmful, while others are not. It's similar to how not all berries or mushrooms are unsafe, but specific types can be toxic at certain levels. Phthalates are a group of different chemicals with varying structures. Safety concerns have been raised about certain types called Dibutyl Phthalate (DBP) and Diethyl Hexyl Phthalate (DEHP). However, we want to assure you that none of our fragrance oils contain these harmful phthalates.

The fragrance oils we carry that are not labeled as phthalate-free contain a different type of phthalate called Diethyl Phthalate (DEP). DEP is safe for human health and the environment when used in fragrances. The International Fragrance Association (IFRA) supports the use of DEP in fragranced products and considers it safe for consumers. In fact, DEP is even safer for human use than any natural essential oil. DEP is particularly useful in candle fragrances because it helps dissolve the fragrance into the wax and prevents certain fragrance oils from forming crystals.

There are two categories of phthalates: bad ones and good o. The bad phthalates, like DBP, DEHP, BBP, DINP, DIDP, DnOp or DOP, and DnHP, are considered harmful and are classified as carcinogenic, mutagenic, or reproductive toxicants. These phthalates have been banned in the European Union for use in cosmetics and s products since 2004. However, it's important to note that none of these seven harmful phthalates have ever been used in the fragrance industry.

On the other hand, there is a different phthalate called Diethyl Phthalate (DEP), which is considered the "good phthalate." DEP is widely used in the fragrance industry as a solvent, blender, surfactant, and fixative to help fragrances last longer. Extensive testing has shown that DEP is not harmful to humans, does not cause allergies or skin irritation, and is safe for the environment. Various scientific committees, such as the European Union's SCCNFP and SCCP, have concluded that DEP has a low level of toxicity and supports its use in cosmetic products. Regulatory bodies like the FDA, IFRA, RIFM, and US EPA have not imposed any restrictions or warnings regarding the use of DEP.

In summary, while some phthalates can be harmful, we want to assure you that our fragrance oils do not contain those harmful types. Instead, we use DEP, a phthalate that has been extensively tested and deemed safe for use in fragrances by multiple authoritative organizations.