🕯Fragrance Oil Performance Review🧼
Fragrance Oil used in: wax melts
Fragrance name: sriracha rose
Supplier name: doop
Hot throw (1-10): 7
Cold throw (1-10): 7
Fragrance appeal (1-10): 9
Warmer type/wattage: 16 watt hot plate
Amount of wax melted (for melts): 2 cubes
% of fragrance used: 12%
Wax type: 454
Cure time: 2 weeks
Approx room size: master bedroom
Shipping time to receive: couple days
Written review:
Scents like this are why I love fragrance oils so much. it is so interesting and such an unlikely pairing of scent notes, but it totally works. this scent is mostly sriracha pepper with supporting rose notes. the first thing I smell is the pepper that smells more like the spiciness from the oil in peppers than a vegetable. if you’ve ever cut up peppers and have gotten the oil on your hands and smelled it, to me that’s the vibe I get from it. I would say it’s about 65% sriracha, 30% red rose and 5% citrus fruit. it is a really pleasant smell that I don’t think would put off many people. I think this one would work best in wax and possible soap. it could see it being a “hot & romantic” valentine candle, spring candle and I think this is the type of scent I would most enjoy in the hot summer months. definitely check this one out if you’re looking for a unique take on a floral, need something in a line up for a farmers market or are just one of those people who need to experience every new smell.